Steve made it to the Ukraine. I thought it was easier for me just to copy and paste a few of the things he had to say. You are not seeing the full conversation...if he sends some pictures I will post them somewhere and send a link. My router is not working today so my laptop could not get on line and my desktop does not have a web-cam so we could not video chat so we typed....
Steve says:
We are checked into your motel in Donetsk crashing for a little while 21 hours + to get here. I think we are 9 hours ahead of you there so will try later . I LOVE YOU ALL AND MISS YOU ALREADY
Steve says: WHAT TIME IS IT THERE Debbi's Laptop says: 9:00 a.m. Steve says: My phone only says searching for service why were you up so early? Steve says: Talk later I am falling asleep sorry 3:30 Munich time 11 or midnight your time? Steve says: Could you let my mom and Ryan know some how later LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Debbi's Laptop says: Already texted them (Later)Steve says: We just got back from supper its going to be along two weeks food VERY different but it did taste good' I know ordered a spaghetti dish and turkey bits it was served like a fancy restaurant courses wait until you are done with one thing before they bring you next course 45 minutes to eat It will take getting used too the restaurant is right here in the motel linen napkins seven pieces of silver ware on table when you sit down! Debbi's Laptop says: Don't expect it when you get home! Steve says: We don't own that many dishes. Kevin and I only eating and they served us 9 different plates total.
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